You must deliver a killer presentation… but how exactly do you kill it?
Making successful and impressionable presentations can be beneficial for your career growth. It helps secure accounts with clients or even land you a promotion. However, not everyone has skill in presenting. Worry not for here are some useful tips to take note for your next presentation:
Use the 10-20-30 Rule
When using PowerPoint presentations, it is a must to adhere to the 10-20-30 rule. It should be ten slides, last no more than 20 minutes, and use font not less than 30 points. The reason for this is to keep your audience engaged by not letting your presentation be dragging.
Make a creative and savvy presentation
Put in a lot of effort into creating a presentation with good design. Your visual material will reflect on your character. People will think of you as a detailed and creative person if your visual aids have the same qualities. If you have absolutely no skill in designing, hiring a graphic designer can be an option. But if you want to create your own, luckily there are various platforms you can use free of charge such as Canva or Visme.
Present in a professional setting
Whether you are presenting for a boss or a potential client, the place where you make your presentation is crucial. You must make sure you are properly equipped, and the room is comfortable for your audience. For client-pitching, it is recommended to use an event space for hire in Singapore.
Other than your visual material and the place of your presentation, the most important thing to prepare is yourself. Polish your work several times and practice your speech. Practice on keeping your audience engaged as well. This will give you the confidence and mastery before the actual presentation.
Lastly, be confident. The key in killing a presentation is to believe in yourself. Relax, breathe, and enjoy presenting, and success will surely come your way.
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